Empowering Lives Through Radiology:
Illuminating Health, Inspiring Hope.

RadNova Club is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization headquartered in India, committed to enhancing the health and well-being of communities in underdeveloped areas. Our mission focuses on providing essential diagnostic imaging support, comprehensive services, and

specialized training to uplift and transform lives.

Collaborative Synergy

At RadNova Club, we cherish and uphold the value of every member, fostering an environment where diversity is embraced, and every voice is heard. Our organization is built on the foundation of inclusivity and mutual respect, guiding members to act professionally while interacting with both colleagues and patients. We stand committed to championing those in need of a voice, ensuring no discrimination based on race, color, nationality, geography, language, religion, marital or parental status, age, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability.

We believe in the power of free speech, open discourse, and constructive debate within our meetings and across our social media platforms. However, it is our pledge to always engage with every individual with the utmost dignity, kindness, and respect. This approach solidifies our core dedication to delivering outstanding and compassionate care to everyone.

Combating Breast Cancer

  • Elevating consciousness about cancer by highlighting its risk elements, prevention strategies, promoting routine screenings, exploring treatment pathways, and supporting survival.
  • Facilitating the early identification of cancer via establishing detection centers and initiating mobile screening camps throughout India, with a focus on aiding those less fortunate.
  • Offering sustained assistance to economically disadvantaged cancer patients during their treatment journey and beyond through provisions for lodging, rehabilitation, and access to survivor networks.

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Join RadNova Club

RadNova members have a passion for specific causes and we believe in the power of people to make a difference in the community. Team RadNova hold trust, flexibility, and opportunity to work with a varied set of people as key differentiators from other organisations. 

We believe in nurturing talent internally and seek new talent to augment our strength. Together, we all grow and build a better world!

You are welcomed If you have energy, drive and a keen interest in serving the community,


A radiograph, or X-ray, is a medical imaging technique that uses ionizing radiation to visualize internal structures of the body, such as bones and organs, helping diagnose various conditions.

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Ultrasonography, also known as ultrasound imaging, is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures, including organs, vessels, and tissues.

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Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography (CT) is a diagnostic tool that combines X-rays and computer technology to produce comprehensive cross-sectional images of the body’s interior, aiding in detecting and assessing a range of medical conditions.

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Regular CME’s and Annual Conferences, Case of the Week and Blogs


Contribute to the case of the week, priority/discount in ISHNR events

Nurturing Leadership

Opportunities to be part of various task force, committees of ISHNR


Connecting with best minds in India and globally in Head and Neck Radiology

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This chest X-ray illustrates a classic case of pneumothorax, characterized by the presence of a visceral pleural line and the absence of vascular markings in the affected lung field. The deep sulcus sign may be noted in supine views, indicating a significant collection of air. Recognizing the differences between spontaneous and tension pneumothorax is crucial for timely intervention

The erect abdominal X-ray shows pneumoperitoneum, evidenced by free air under the diaphragm. The presence of Rigler’s sign indicates air on both sides of the bowel wall, suggesting perforation of a hollow viscus. Understanding the implications of this finding is vital for emergency evaluation

Pulmonary Edema
This chest X-ray demonstrates classic features of pulmonary edema, including bilateral fluffy opacities, Kerley B lines, and pleural effusions. The batwing pattern of opacification suggests cardiogenic causes. This image serves as a reminder of the radiographic findings that can assist in differentiating pulmonary edema from other respiratory conditions

Looser’s Zones
In this X-ray of the femur, we observe Looser’s zones, which are indicative of osteomalacia. These radiolucent lines, or pseudo-fractures, can be seen in areas of stress and are often found in patients with underlying metabolic bone diseases. Recognition of these zones is critical for accurate diagnosis and management.

Colles’ Fracture
The wrist X-ray displays a classic Colles’ fracture characterized by a distal radius fracture with dorsal angulation and posterior displacement. This injury is commonly associated with a fall on an outstretched hand. Understanding the mechanism of injury is essential for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation

Silhouette Sign in Pneumonia
This chest X-ray demonstrates the silhouette sign, where the normal borders between the heart and adjacent lung are obscured due to consolidation from pneumonia. This radiographic finding is crucial for localizing the area of infection and differentiating lobar pneumonia from other pulmonary pathologies.

Silhouette Sign in Pneumonia
This chest X-ray demonstrates the silhouette sign, where the normal borders between the heart and adjacent lung are obscured due to consolidation from pneumonia. This radiographic finding is crucial for localizing the area of infection and differentiating lobar pneumonia from other pulmonary pathologies.

Pulmonary Embolism
In this CT pulmonary angiography, a filling defect in the right pulmonary artery indicates a significant pulmonary embolism. The presence of additional right lower lobe infarction can also be noted. Understanding these findings aids in the rapid diagnosis and treatment of potentially life-threatening embolic events

The contrast-enhanced CT abdomen shows a dilated, non-compressible appendix with associated peri-appendiceal fat stranding, indicative of acute appendicitis. Recognizing these signs is essential for timely surgical intervention and avoiding complications.

Aortic Dissection
This CT angiography demonstrates a classic aortic dissection with an intimal flap separating the true lumen from the false lumen. The presence of a pleural effusion may suggest associated complications. Understanding the Stanford classification is vital for appropriate management strategies

COVID-19 Pneumonia
The high-resolution CT scan of the chest reveals bilateral ground-glass opacities with peripheral distribution, characteristic of COVID-19 pneumonia. This imaging feature is essential for diagnosing viral pneumonias and understanding disease severity in affected patients.

Multiple Sclerosis
The MRI brain scan displays characteristic lesions of multiple sclerosis, showing ovoid hyperintensities in the periventricular regions. These findings, often described as Dawson’s fingers, are critical for diagnosing demyelinating diseases and understanding their progression.

Glioblastoma Multiforme
This MRI demonstrates a large, irregular ring-enhancing lesion with a central necrotic area, indicative of glioblastoma multiforme. Surrounding edema can also be noted. Recognizing these imaging features is essential for differential diagnosis and treatment planning.


ACL Tear
The MRI of the knee reveals a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), characterized by disruption of the ligamentous fibers and associated bone marrow edema. Understanding the MRI features of ligamentous injuries is crucial for accurate diagnosis and management strategies.

Spinal Cord Compression
This MRI of the spine shows evidence of spinal cord compression due to an extradural mass. The presence of significant edema around the cord suggests acute pathology. Recognizing these features is vital for timely surgical intervention to prevent neurological deficits.

Pituitary Macroadenoma
The MRI scan reveals a large pituitary macroadenoma causing compression of the optic chiasm. The sellar mass appears hyperintense on T1-weighted images post-contrast. Understanding these findings is important for evaluating pituitary disorders and planning surgical intervention.

Avascular Necrosis
This MRI of the hip demonstrates classic features of avascular necrosis, including the double-line sign and subchondral collapse. Early recognition of these changes is crucial for timely intervention and prevention of joint replacement

Gallstones with Cholecystitis
The ultrasound of the abdomen reveals gallstones with associated gallbladder wall thickening and a positive sonographic Murphy’s sign. These findings suggest acute cholecystitis. Understanding the sonographic criteria for diagnosing biliary diseases is essential for appropriate management.

Ectopic Pregnancy
The transvaginal ultrasound demonstrates an ectopic pregnancy with a gestational sac located outside the uterus and associated free fluid in the pelvic cavity. Prompt recognition of this life-threatening condition is essential for timely surgical management.


USG – Left lumbar region Target appearance. It occurred over a short segment (3 cm). No mass lesion seen. Proximal bowel loop showed thickened wall (7 mm). Proximal bowel loops distended with fluid (15 mm) but not dilated.

Esophageal Stricture
This barium swallow study illustrates a smooth, tapering esophageal stricture, commonly seen in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Understanding the radiographic appearance of strictures is critical for guiding further management and treatment options.

Horseshoe Kidney
The intravenous urogram (IVU) shows a classic horseshoe kidney configuration, with fusion of the lower renal poles and a midline isthmus. Recognizing congenital renal anomalies is important for managing potential complications, such as obstruction or infection.

Metastatic Lung Cancer
The PET-CT scan reveals hypermetabolic lung lesions indicative of metastatic lung cancer, along with distant metastases to the bones. Understanding the significance of SUV values and patterns of uptake aids in staging and treatment planning for malignancies

Nasal Bone Fracture with Intranasal Foreign Body
This X-ray depicts a nasal bone fracture alongside an intranasal foreign body, which is often missed. The fracture line is visible, and the foreign object may not be readily apparent without careful examination. This case emphasizes the importance of thorough evaluation in facial trauma.

Fibromatosis (Desmoid Tumor) (CT Abdomen)
This contrast-enhanced CT abdomen demonstrates a large, infiltrative soft tissue mass consistent with a desmoid tumor, or fibromatosis. The challenging aspect of this case lies in distinguishing it from malignant soft tissue sarcomas. Recognizing its aggressive local behavior is critical for management.

Sarcoidosis (CT Chest)
The CT scan illustrates the classic signs of sarcoidosis, including bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and parenchymal nodules. This systemic granulomatous disease poses a diagnostic challenge due to its varied presentations. Recognizing the characteristic imaging findings is essential for appropriate management.

Bronchogenic Cyst (CT Mediastinum)
This CT scan of the mediastinum reveals a well-defined cystic mass with water density, consistent with a bronchogenic cyst. These congenital anomalies can often be mistaken for other mediastinal masses, highlighting the importance of careful evaluation.

Spinal Ependymoma (MRI Spine)
The MRI spine shows an enhancing intradural mass consistent with a spinal ependymoma, accompanied by associated edema. Differentiating these tumors from other intradural lesions is crucial for planning surgical management

Kernohan’s Notch Phenomenon (MRI Brain)
This MRI demonstrates midbrain compression due to an expanding mass, resulting in contralateral displacement of the cerebral peduncle and indentation on the midbrain. Recognizing this phenomenon is essential for understanding the secondary effects of brain tumors and hematomas.

Thalamic Glioma (MRI Brain)
This MRI scan reveals a thalamic glioma presenting as an infiltrative mass with edema. The rare location and clinical implications of thalamic tumors make recognition and accurate diagnosis essential for treatment planning.

Achalasia (Barium Swallow Study)
The barium swallow study illustrates a dilated esophagus with a narrowing at the gastroesophageal junction, characteristic of achalasia. Recognizing this rare esophageal motility disorder is essential for directing appropriate treatment options, such as pneumatic dilation or surgical intervention

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (USG Pelvis)
The pelvic ultrasound reveals multiple enlarged cystic ovaries with associated ascites, indicative of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Recognizing this complication of fertility treatment is crucial for monitoring and managing patient care